Τρίτη 30 Ιουνίου 2015

EU & Greek crisis Part II

This weekend 27/6/2015 the dices rolled and the fate isn’t obvious yet.  From one hand we have the heavyweight champions of EU & Co and from the other hand the fly weight champion aka Greece. The situation had a favored boxer from the beginning and so their respective strategies were laid down accordingly. The big one punches, the little tries to fake, but even the blow from the near passing hand of his opponent sakes him all over. The big one in any interval between the negotiating rounds shakes the opponent’s hand telling him how brave he’s and congratulating him for the good fight. That was all folks until this last weekend.
                The little one shaken but not stirred tried to give his first punch back. Many may think that this was the last heroic exit, or the desperate’s move, or the insane‘s act of grandeur. The big one was taken by surprise. He definitely didn’t expect the act of fool he received. He though the minion was under his straight control. But dear EU bureaucrats the flood of money isn’t the flood of blood. And blood is a boiling thing. Too much pressure and it can erupt. Now Europe is between two silly boxers with enough adrenaline on their head and exhausted to see it’s other standing on the ring. The problem is that those were also the two parts of a happy marriage and gave everlasting promises to each other. Furthermore they got too many bets on how well there are going to be all the European countries in this marriage and for the first years they delivered too. Now they try to out intimidate each other, but without the power and the courage to take this last punch until recently.
                As mentioned in this family of boxing aspirations the fight went out of hand. In most of the families it’s the little one that causes the troubles, but the big one that gets accused. Well not exactly this time. That was before the news stopped being just the news and became the global media product they are today. So we hear all about the demerits of the little one from the European media. Yes, this little folk shouldn’t be trusted. He’s a constant underachiever. He never performs what he promises. He resists financial logic in a maniacal way. He can’t perform on his own strength any reform and further, even if he makes one, he can’t assure it really works. He has a byzantine public system that’s a Damocles blade hanging above any productivity attempt. Consequently, this little one was treated as a drug addict from the European family. They served him the medicine the EU doctors subscribed him. They substituted his loans with other loans. That homeopathic procedure usual tends to lower the dependency by gradually lowering the dose. Not in this case. The druggie got hooked deeper and deeper in his loan addiction.
                Let’s’ see the clinical situation of Greece before it entered this boxing contest of negotiations in 2009 from the Greek citizen point of view. This person knew that by that time every born and resided in Greece owned to the county’s creditors nearly 23.000.00€ per head. So for a family of 4 persons this meant approximately 92.000, 00€. The EU wanted those money fast enough to close the mouth of every news producer in the world. How fast could this happen? Not as fast as intended.   So they went the other way around. They let the things take a long way, so long that the problem would have fall out of sight. Things didn’t work well. The medicine didn’t prove to be having the right effects, and the maleness didn’t go out of sight. EU officials though that a reassuring verbalism and their authority will be enough for the rest of the world, but dear lords when money talks you know very well who walks. Everybody else apart the Troika founders believed that the measures taken for Greece where ineffective.
                You have to get your mouth were you get your money, so the rest of the world rested a spectator to this experiment. But one has to ask was the rescue of Greece the real purpose of all this? Ok, there’s no easy straight answer. Little traces, the actual facts, can lead you closer to the truth. From when troika went to Greece there was 25% reduction to the salaries, reduction of the pensions, the unemployment raised 25%, 60% of the youth unemployment, a consistent raise of the taxes and the introduction of many new ones. That’s only the economic part. There are 4 straight years that deaths are more than the births in Greece, there is raise of the number of people without medical care and people who go too late to the doctors and they just pass away in the hospitals. There was reduction of the public cost and now the Greek state produces less than the already little it did. Up to a point many of the negative effects were responsibility of the Greek government to resolve and to protect during the negotiations, but it failed either to make its point, either to raise its productivity. The Greek government only posed resistance on the reduction of its payroll.
                The Troika in those five years made all the calls. There was no legislation regarding or affecting money that could pass without their approval. So the lenders had total control of the Greek economy and in many ways of the Greek government. What ever happened in Greece those five years was under there strait control and influence. E.g. you can find clear evidence of this by reading the comments of Samaras before and after he was named PM. Democracy was clearly in decline in Greece. Most of the legislation was imposed and never got past the parliament. Three people and their employers took and hold the fate of Greece those last five-six years. Another evidence is that from one hand they introduced tax legislature every three to four months and from the other hand they asked the Greek government to attract foreign investments. So it’s pretty unclear how the lenders accuse the Greek government about the failure of their implemented program. From one hand they overestimated the public property for privatization and then accused the Greek government for the lack of success on the matter (here they had some right). There’s an abundance of things like this during the last five years that points towards one reasonable conclusion. Troika and the lenders of Greece had only one interest, to get their money back as soon as possible, even by inflicting damage to the Greek’s state longevity. The flow of cash from Greece to their banks (lenders) was the only prior criteria and the Greek government had all the responsibility to hold its ship together. You may think that this is in reality a government’s job, but the facts show that for maximizing the flow of cash they minimized the power of the government. As a byproduct they constituted an already inefficient government in an incapacitated one. The quality of Greek’s government was in the lenders knowledge from a long time as you can see in the prior note http://ninemia-nemo.blogspot.gr/2015/05/eu-greek-crisis.html.
                Obviously this five years economic experiment was a complete failure. This is more evident if you think that after those efforts and all those years every Greek citizen owns now to his lenders 35.000.00€ per capita, a raise of nearly 12.000.00€ per person. That’s 2.400.00€ per year raise. When the lenders should have noticed? From the Greek citizens point of view the following weekend’s referendum has no meaning. He knows that whatever he chooses he has no escape. It’s only the timetable of his default & foreclosure that’s on the table. The thinking of this government is still unclear, but taking note of the above mentioned is it totally wrong in its act? On the other hand by putting Greece out of Europe is there any hope for Greece? In a globalized world, probably not? Can it stay in Europe and in the Euro zone? Difficult, very difficult. So the real question is “are the lenders so stupid to kill this country if they want their money back”?